Cockroach Control Geelong

Cockroach Control Geelong

Cockroach Treatment Geelong

We provide effective and safe cockroach treatment in Geelong region.
Cockroaches are insects belonging to Order Blattodea. Cockroaches have a prolonged couple of antennae that help them to sense smell and vibrations. They’re mainly oval-shaped. The antennae are connected to the front of the head, which involves the brain, solid mouthparts for grinding, chewing food, and compound eyes.

Feeding Habits– Cockroaches eat almost anything human or animal food or beverage and any decreased animal or vegetable materials. These may carry leather, cardboard, fabrics, hair glue, wallpaper glue, and other starchy bindings in books. They’re effective scavengers.

Life Cycle-Adult lifetime of a cockroach could also be some months to over a year, and during this time, each female may produce around 5- 30 oothecae, depending on growth conditions.

Nocturnal Behaviour– Cockroaches are basically nocturnal creatures that hide during the daytime and become functional soon after the onset of the night once they emerge to search for food.

Nesting Habits– Cockroaches are mainly found in and behind fryers, sinks, refrigerators, and water heaters. They are also found in garages, woodpiles, subfloors, fence vacancies, and around junk dumps.

Emergency Pest Controller

is your local COCKROACH CONTROL EXPERTS Geelong.
Call: 0403 361 000 for services and immediate attention.

Our customer’s protection and satisfaction is the aim of the EMERGENCY PEST CONTROLLER TEAM. The intensively trained and fully equipped team is ready to tackle all COCKROACH challenge.

Emergency Pest Control Melbourne

Common Types Of Cockroaches

  1. American cockroaches– American cockroaches are referred to as the largest cockroach family that infests dwellings and utilities. They’re red-brown in color with 35-40 mm in size. They are frequently found dwelling in subfloors, sewers, grease traps, basements, fence voids, ceiling voids, and in and around junk dumps. Furthermore, they often travel for food, which could also be a problem near bakeries, food stores, storage, hospitals, and different areas that handle food. They fly in warm weather.
  2. German cockroaches– The German cockroach is the most wide-ranging and successful cockroach that coexists with humans in buildings. They’re light amber-brown with two black longitudinal stripes on the pronotum with 12- 15 mm in size. They generally infest the inside of buildings. Basically, in and around kitchens (domestic and commercial pantries, storage, and different food handling areas. Found in and behind cook stoves, sinks, refrigerators, water heaters, and various other appliances. They prefer to be close to food, humidity, and warmth. They don’t fly.
  3. Australian cockroaches– The Australian cockroaches are relatively large. They’re like American cockroaches. They’re the darkest brown and 30- 35 mm in size. They’re an ‘outdoor’ type cockroach. Prefers plant materials. Mostly found under the bark of trees, among woodpiles, and in other locations that provide moisture. Also found in subfloors, wall voids, garages, and tents. They fly in warm weather.
  4. Smoky brown cockroaches– The smokybrown cockroaches are relatively large. They’re the darkest brown with 30- 35 mm in size. They are frequently considered as an ‘ outside’ cockroach. Prefers plant materials. They are also found in garages, woodpiles, subfloors, wall voids, ceiling voids, around drains, and under garden mulch. They fly in warm weather, often attracted to light in the dark.
  5. Brown-banded cockroaches– The brown-banded cockroaches are relatively small. They’re dull brown in color and 10- 14 mm in size. They prefer dry areas( bookcases, desks, wardrobes), around photo frames, and among stored files and paper. Unlike the German cockroach, it frequently infests throughout the entire building. They fly when warm or agitated.
  6. Oriental cockroaches– The oriental cockroaches are relatively medium. They’re the darkest brown to black in colour and 20- 25 mm in size. They prefer mostly cold conditions. It may infest indoors or outside and could also be found in cool, damp basements and subfloors, around drains, inside walls, in and around equipment, near garden debris, and in dumps. They doesn’t fly.

Why Cockroaches are Considered as Pests

  • CONTAMINATION– Cockroaches may contaminate food items, utensils, and areas with feces, dead cockroaches, and cast skins.
  • ALLERGIC REACTIONS– Cockroaches’ allergic symptoms include coughing, skin rash, gasping, and nasal congestion.
  • BITES– Cockroaches can bite, sting, and cause much discomfort.
  • DISEASE TRANSMISSION– Each cockroach may carry several million disease-type or pathogenic bacteria on and inside its body. The number of disease organisms could also be carried, including Salmonella and different organisms causing gastroenteritis, dysentery, tuberculosis, hepatitis, and typhoid.
  • ODOUR– An unpleasing odor may develop where a considerable cockroach infestation exists.

Chemical Methods used for Cockroach Control Geelong

  1. SURFACE SPRAY– Emulsifiable concentrates, suspense concentrates, and wettable powders are generally used in cockroach control into cracks, crevices, and empty spaces.
  2. BAITS AND TRAPS– Baits are useful and effective in cockroach control programs.
  3. SPACE SPRAY– We prefer space spray formulated for cockroach control.
  4. DUSTS– Dusts are applied very lightly to cracks and crevices, around filing closets, and in wall and roof voids.

Prevention Measures For Cockroach Control

  • Dishes and utensils shouldn’t be left unwashed overnight.
  • Food storage involves frequent stock rotation and inspection of stock.
  • Garbage should be stored in tightly closed holders.
  • Foods should be stored in airtight storage containers.

Cockroaches Management Relies On

  • An initial, thorough inspection and survey of the whole premises.
  • Maintain hygiene and basic sanitation.
  • The careful application of appropriate insecticide(s)
  • Follow-up inspections and monitoring.
Trusted Pest Removal Services Geelong

We guide the infestation you are dealing with, and the
is your trustworthy partner in all sorts of battles against COCKROACHES.

THE EMERGENCY PEST CONTROLLER team is fully licensed, certified, and knowledgeable and always available to assist you with COCKROACH CONTROL.

Call us on

Our team gives you mental and physical relief from COCKROACHES by eliminating them from your place. We consider our customers like family and offer 24/7 customer service to approach any situation with COCKROACHES.

Cockroach Treatment Geelong

Contact Emergency Pest Controller for cockroach control in Geelong. We provide services with guaranteed satisfaction.